Tuscany is a magical landscape where everything is gentle around, everything is antique and new

Made in Tuscany Decoratives collection

A unique natural landscape, an ancient and rich history, a verdant and bountiful land, a collection of decorative effects inspired by one of the most desired places in the world: Tuscany.

Charm, emotion and elegance of Made in Italy wall decoration; a unique approach to interior design, maintaining the values that characterize Italian craftsmanship. This talent, along with the attention to details and the selection of genuine raw materials are the foundation of the well-known Made in Italy excellence.

Made in Tuscany Collection by Viero Decoratives is the perfect inspiration for a dreamy space. A collection of decorative effects inspired by some of the most fascinating characteristics of the Italian territory to discover origins, raw materials, colors, aromas, flavors and artisan traditions of the past that made Tuscany great.

Attention to details, reliability of each piece, experience of craftsmanship are the basis of Made in Tuscany collection, and express the importance that Viero Decoratives gives to the combination of design, architecture and art to achieve a result made of inspiration, harmony and functionality.

Terre Etrusche

People who contributed to the splendour and magnificence of the Roman Empire, lands that hold precious raw materials, a long goldsmith and metalworking tradition that has produced unique masterpieces, all this is encompassed in TERRE ETRUSCHE.

A series of decorative finishes dedicated to native minerals and the processing of precious metals. From the materiality of iron to the richness of gold, in an artistic journey that combines history, nature and beauty.

viero decoratives terre etrusche collection effects

Petra Apuana

A precious stone which has inspired the creation of imposing architecture, immortal monuments, eternal works; a unique material in the veins and nuances of which flows the history of a region, its peoples, and its traditions.

From these influences comes PETRA APUANA, the new inspiration line from the “Made in Tuscany” collection which showcases original decorations and a refined design, featuring a subtle, narrative mood. The memory of a Tuscan journey on the creative space of a wall.

viero decoratives petra apuana collection effects


Bolgheri is the new inspiration line of the “Made in Tuscany” collection.

A selection of five exclusive decorations with an original design – Podere, Corteccia, Fermento, Barricaia, Foliage D’Autore – designed to reinterpret the unforgettable experience of a journey through the hills of the upper Livorno Maremma on the creative space of the walls.

viero decoratives bolgheri new collection