Viero Paints was born out of the desire to supply a ground-breaking vision of space, interpreting the past and ensuring careful attention to quality.
Viero Paints, well known as a company of inspiration as regards decorating interiors for architecture and design, is currently found in over 30 countries worldwide. This year, the Italian paints and finishes company is part of the Made in Italy in the Gulf Countries project: a Chamber of Commerce programme for promoting Made in Italy in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.
Therefore, the Viero brand can now also be found on the web for the Gulf market with an overseas representative office in Dubai.

But what is this about?
The pandemic has caused historical changes in people’s habits and in business development. As travelling has become more difficult, there is an obligation to use the Internet, thus accelerating the need to do business online.
The Italian Chamber of Commerce, which has an edge in creating innovative projects, has grasped this opportunity, and decided to offer Italian companies a priority in a leading project in the web-B2B sector, hence the creation of Made in Italy in the Gulf Countries, in which Viero Paints will take part.
This is a project without equal, aimed not only at the United Arab Emirates region but also at stakeholders in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar, a part of the world that is growing fast.
The Made in Italy in the Gulf Countries Project results from twenty years’ experience gained by the Chamber of Commerce in the region, through contacts with local stakeholders.

Viero Decoratives is taking part in this innovative project, bringing its irresistibly unique, state-of-the-art products to the Gulf States.